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Source: Christina House / Getty
There really needs to be a case study done on white conservatives’ massive and massively delusional persecution complex.
There has to be a reason explainable by science for why the most dominant and socially and economically advantaged racial group in the Western world has become so thoroughly convinced that it has lost control of society and become an oppressed minority group that should be a protected class. White Americans represent 70% of the nation and they still manage to be overrepresented in its government, in higher education, and in every major industry in corporate America — yet, they are out here launching entire campaigns to reassure themselves that “it’s OK to be white.”
On Tuesday, a racist, delusional and eternally fragile white person called into C-SPAN (not an unusual occurrence at the network) not only to illustrate her belief that white people are oppressed but to laughably insinuate that Black people are doing the oppressing. The MAGA-fied woman given went as far as to claim — I sh*t you not — that “Blacks are practically running this country.”
First, let’s start with how we got here.
From Raw Story:
During Tuesday’s Washington Journal program, a Florida Democratic caller named Benny took issue with President Donald Trump’s deportations.
“And you’ve had incidents happen in this country from people that call themselves white nationalists,” Benny said. “It’s just another name for Ku Klux Klan.”
“And I’m just wondering, when they get done sending all of the criminals out of here for killing people here in America, what are they going to do with the white nationals that are responsible for killings in the schools?” he asked. “You’ve got your children going to school. They’re afraid, and they’re being killed in the school.”
But you have people in this country that have so much hatred in their heart that they don’t want to allow Black people in this country to be able to live a comfortable life, even though they have put work into this country, their sweat, their blood, they have died.”
So, a Democratic voter spoke about “white nationalists” and — wouldn’t you know it — a white Republican got personally offended by it.
“I am very upset by the last caller!” a Republican caller named Gina told C-SPAN host John McArdle. “He sounds like a very nice old man. But what I want to know is, why do you let these people call in and talk about all this racist BS?”
“Well, we know damn good and well that the Blacks are practically running the country now,” she added.
Seriously — the caucasity is fascinating at this point.
Imagine believing what Gina believes even now as President Donald Trump signs order after order eliminating all things diversity, equity and inclusion, dismantles every pro-Black or POC program in the federal government, and threatens state institutions with loss of federal funding if they don’t do the same all based on the white conservative belief that white people are sygemically discriminated against in America — a belief that is not backed by a shred of statistical or fact-based evidence whatsoever.
Meanwhile, not a single social liberty that Black people enjoy in America has come without an uphill battle that involves years and even decades of activism work, despite all of the statistical data that indicates systemic racism is real.
If Black people have ever run the country, we have done a terrible job doing it in a way that benefits us and not the white majority.
Or, you know — maybe white conservatives are just racist.
Trump Administration Forced To Reinstate 24,000 Federal Workers
Trump Administration Erases Black History At Arlington National Cemetery
Republican C-SPAN Caller Claims ‘Blacks Are Practically Running’ America As MAGA White Delusion Continues
was originally published on