Is Giuliani Still MAGA After Ruby Freeman Decision?

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By News Room 7 Min Read

Source: ADAM GRAY / Getty

One of the most frustrating things about how dangerously close we are to re-electing Donald Trump, is how willing his base and many swing voters are to bring back a man who literally tried to take away democracy. All these MAGA voters are claiming to be patriots who love this country, but they support a man who responded to losing in 2020 by launching a transparent propaganda campaign regarding fictional election fraud that virtually every election official, state official and judge that he brought election lawsuits to told him was not real.

Black people who are veering over to Trump especially disappoint me because this orangey white nationalist — who exclusively targeted Black and Latino voting districts with his voter fraud lies — sicked his propagandist dogs on two Black women who were guilty of absolutely nothing but doing their jobs.

Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Wandrea Arshaye “Shaye” Moss, are civilians who the most powerful man in the country at the time repeatedly attacked from his massive platform, prompting mobs of white racists and at least two Black MAGA house slaves to terrorize them, causing them to have to flee their homes. That any Black people at all would vote for a man who practiced KKK-style intimidation tactics on a Black family in the 2020s is just a crying shame.

But of all the people who should no longer be supporting him, the most baffling probable Trump voter in the nation has to be this guy:

Defendants In State Of Georgia V. Trump Case To Be Booked Through Fulton County Jail

Source: Handout / Getty

Rudy Giuliani.

The record-setting L–taker

On Tuesday, a federal judge in New York ordered the ex-mayor, ex-attorney, ex-rich guy, and extraordinary L-taker to place numerous assets, including cash, jewelry, and a luxury apartment he owns in New York that is valued at $5.7 million into a receivership that will be controlled by Freeman and Moss, the two victims of Giuliani’s and Trump’s vicious lies and attacks. Last year, they were awarded $148 million following their successful defamation suit against Giuliani.

Now, Giuliani has expressed that he has no regrets for the horror he has put Freeman and Moss through, but, come on — he has to regret his loyalty to Trump at this point, right?

Since joining Trump’s delusional and nonsensical election fraud crusade, Giuliani has been drowning in litigation, including lawsuits filed by his own former attorneys, who allege that he has only paid a small fraction of the legal fees he owes, which amounts to nearly $1.6 million.

In fact, Giuliani has been in such crippling debt since serving as Trump’s favorite loyal leg-humper that, last year, he was basically begging the ex-president to help him pay his bills. He also filed for bankruptcy but was forced to end his bankruptcy case and pay about $400,000 to a financial adviser hired by his creditors.

He also got disbarred after his license to practice law in New York was suspended. He caught a RICO case. He also got banned from Fox News. How TF does Rudy Giuliani get banned from a right-wing propaganda network? Imagine if Colonel Sanders had been banned from every chicken coop in America. Just think about what a phenomenal loser one has to be to exist as a full-on conservative white nationalist and still have Fox News be like: “Nah, Discount Penguin can’t sit at our table.”


Source: The Washington Post / Getty


Trump, the man who got Giuliani in all of this trouble in the first place, is still welcome at Fox News, somehow does not owe millions to Freeman and Moss (although he should), and is still in a tight race for the presidency.

Still, of all the Ls Giuliani has taken, it is the fallout from his attacks on Freeman and Moss that is the most satisfying. Oh, to be a Blackity-Black fly on the wall as these two Black women traipse through Giuliani’s apartment, which is now theirs, picking through his things — which include “his collection of luxury watches, including watches gifted to him by his grandfather and the French president, a signed Joe DiMaggio jersey and a 1980 Mercedes previously owned by actress Lauren Bacall,” according to NBC News — and saying to each other: “Ooooh, this is nice. I’ll take it. You want this watch or that one or both?”

These Black women who Giuliani absurdly claimed were caught on video exchanging USB drives “like they were vials of heroin or cocaine” when they were actually just doing their jobs handling legally cast ballots — get to get their lick back by taking so much of what he holds dear, which still won’t satisfy the debt he owes them. That has to feel good. 

But, again, Trump is just as responsible for the torment Freeman and Moss endured as Giuliani is, and he’s even more responsible for the attempt at disenfranchising Black voters in every state he challenged without a modicum of evidence that fraud was committed. He is demonstrably the threat to democracy his opponents call him. We should all remember that in November.

See Also:

In Church, Rudy Giuliani Further Defames Ruby Freeman By Lying About Nonexistent Election Fraud

Rudy Giuliani Says He Left 9/11 Memorial Ceremony Early Because Kamala Harris Was There


Why Is Rudy Giuliani Still Supporting Trump After Losing His Assets To Ruby Freeman And Shaye Moss? 
was originally published on

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