Your horoscope for the week ahead: The last solar eclipse of 2024 could bring big changes your way

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Feeling unmotivated lately? Perhaps you need a bit of a pep talk. You’ll be in a prime position to give yourself one when the spirit-driving sun conjuncts communicative Mercury in idealistic Libra on Monday. This aspect encourages us to speak kindly to ourselves, helping us feel more confident and empowered to tackle new goals. If you’re not sure where you’d like to go next, don’t hesitate to reach out to the people around you; this will also be a beautiful moment to put yourself out there and ask for feedback.

Then, prepare yourself for a whirlwind of activity — and even a few surprises — when the final solar eclipse of the year arrives on Wednesday. As the ego-ruling sun and emotion-ruling moon conjunct in fair-minded Libra, big shifts could occur in your relationships in particular, and the way you react to those developments matters. Do your best to maintain balance within your bonds and treat others how you wish to be treated.

On Friday, relationship-ruling Venus in intense Scorpio will trine structured Saturn in intuitive Pisces, which could inspire you to open your heart to someone new — or deepen a connection into something more meaningful. If you’re in a relationship, use this energy to open up about your desires and communicate directly about what you want from your partner. Remember: honesty is the best policy, regardless of your current relationship status. 

Finally, you might want to hold off on engaging with others when chatty Mercury in indecisive Libra squares aggressive Mars in sensitive Cancer late on Saturday or early Sunday, depending on your time zone. People likely won’t be in the mood to make nice under this influence, and casual conversations could quickly spiral into arguments if you’re not careful. Try to spend time in solitude and channel any nervous energy that arises into crafting, making small-scale home improvements or working on other projects that’ll keep your mind busy. 

Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, September 30, 2024.


You have the power to solve just about any challenge your loved ones face this week, Aries. But while your instinct might be to rush off to save the day at the first sign of trouble, you’ll be wise to pause and think first. Perhaps there’s a kernel of wisdom from your past that you could apply to their current situation. Meanwhile, when it comes to relationships, you may feel driven to welcome more love into your life or seek out ways to deepen your existing connections. Seize this chance to speak your mind so that your friends, family and colleagues can come to understand you better. 


Don’t be afraid to open up, Taurus. Discussing your goals, ambitions and inner workings with people you trust could be an excellent source of comfort at the beginning of this week. You may even find that talking about your past experiences helps strengthen your bonds and encourages you to see some silver linings. Then, as the final solar eclipse of the year arrives mid-week, you may be forced to adjust to a new routine. Do your best to remain flexible as you navigate these shifts. While it may be uncomfortable at first, staying nimble will allow you to maintain your usual level of efficiency. 


Inspiration will be everywhere this week, Gemini. So don’t miss this chance to reconnect with your inner artist and experiment with different mediums to express your ideas. Regardless of where you end up, investing in your creative side is sure to bring you much satisfaction and joy. Meanwhile, when it comes to love, single Geminis may feel eager to get their hands dirty and really delve into the inner workings of their potential romantic interests. If you’re in a relationship, you may want to channel this energy toward having some thought-provoking discussions with your partner.


Your perspective is valuable, Cancer. Keep this in mind if loved ones ask for your professional insights at the start of the week. You can help them see their full potential by highlighting certain options they may not have considered. Meanwhile, a conversation about your dream space could give you a chance to figure out your true priorities for your home — and provide you with the motivation to start manifesting your vision. As you do, just try to stay patient; maintaining your progress will require your sustained focus and effort. Then, on the weekend, work to nurture your gentle spirit by spending time on your passion projects. 


How do you budget your time, Leo? This week, you could be challenged to make some tweaks to your schedule to accommodate an influx of meetings. Ensure you’re organized before you step out into the world each day — keeping your eyes on the prize will help you protect your earning potential during this busy period. Meanwhile, a few surprise invitations could crop up, offering you a chance to reconnect with people in your inner sphere. Neighbours and community members may also want quality time with you — it’ll be up to you to decide where you want to invest your energy.


You’re always up for a good venting session, Virgo. But if a friend opens up to you about their relationship at the beginning of the week, be sure to wait for them to ask for your perspective before you offer any advice. Carefully considering your words will also go a long way toward strengthening your relationship. Then, get ready to expand your horizons, as your creative ideas could propel you down an unexpected career path mid-week. Just keep in mind that you tend to be sharpest when you work within a team. The time might be right to discuss what you want to achieve with people who can help you reach your goals.


You’re good at getting people unstuck, Libra. And this week, your supernatural compassion could help a coworker or family member finally step into their own power. Remember: a kind word will go far, so keep paying it forward. Meanwhile, your naturally optimistic attitude could inspire you to take a courageous step forward in your own career. This will be a brilliant moment to take chances and follow your ambitions. Just be prepared to receive constructive criticism if you decide to share your vision for success with loved ones, particularly over the weekend. It could seem like everyone has an opinion on what you should do next. 


Your mind is a vault of information, Scorpio. And this week, a friend may come to you seeking some of that wisdom. If you’re ready to impart it, you could introduce them to a whole new world of exploration and philosophical intrigue. Just remember that letting people see your softer side, as well as your keen intellect, is the surest way to expand both hearts and minds. Meanwhile, you could find yourself feeling a bit introspective and inspired to review your career trajectory. Consider harnessing this momentum to collect your achievements, build a professional portfolio or even redo your resume. 


Have you been longing to reconnect with your favourite people, Sagittarius? Don’t hesitate to clear your schedule and get some friend dates lined up this week. You’ll be excited to chat about everything that’s been developing in your relationships, career and creative world. One of your pals could even present you with an exciting idea, inspiring you to find new ways to express yourself and utilize your talents. Then, on the weekend, carve out some time to wind down and recentre your thoughts. Practising yoga, mindfulness and meditation are all beautiful ways to strengthen your connection with your inner voice. 


Everyone in your life has a story to tell, Capricorn. And this week, you could find that relationships and the intricacies of human connection are the main topic of conversation in your world. Go ahead and use your keen listening skills to provide comfort to your family and friends, but be careful to only share your opinions when you’re asked directly. Meanwhile, you could notice others paying more attention to you as your public persona shines. Don’t miss this moment to discuss your professional goals with your peers so you can figure out the full spectrum of opportunities that are within your reach. 


Have you been dreaming of making an escape lately, Aquarius? This week, you could get the push you need to start planning your next big getaway. Want to stick closer to home? Consider diving into arts and culture as an alternative way to stimulate your brain. You’ll be able to digest new concepts and ideas with ease, and handle a great deal of information during this time. If you’re single, this week could also mark the beginning of a new romantic journey with someone who can keep up with your quick mind. Meanwhile, attached water-bearers may find they’re ready to take a big leap of faith. 


Are you ready to get your hands dirty, Pisces? At the beginning of the week, no job on your to-do list will seem too overwhelming, so seize this opportunity to fearlessly tackle any paperwork, housework or clutter that you’ve let pile up. You’ll feel much more relaxed once you’ve taken control of your responsibilities. Meanwhile, a financial secret may be disclosed to you, changing how you relate to your cash. This revelation could even shift how you structure your days and influence your overall mood for the better. Don’t hesitate to shed what’s no longer working for you and embrace a new flow.

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